Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015


Behind money is money which when spent / used then the money can come back to us and we had a change.
This knowledge should not be arbitrary and should be used hati2 because many scams, and the truth is make yourself, if successful means there belongs to and if it is not to be frequent and berulang2, except that no part of this science.
This knowledge must wear dowry and should ijajah order to be useful, to the contact no hp + BB pin 6287726001019.atau d9c5888c
of procedures:
looking for frogs / toads mating then grab and prepare 2 pieces / bills continue to write letters arab lam Alip 1x, dal 3X, Alip 3x. dal 1x and was input into the mouth of a frog and then inserted into the container / place closed just as tin / what Just cover tightly and then locate the river where the water flows eastward and container grown frogs one on the left and one right opposite.
The second container was buried alongside the river and leave for 1 week
after 1 week of place / container is opened and if the frog one of them moved to the other place / be united again despite having been separated (typically frog is dead / rotten) but the bodies and the money be moved in one container. then the money put didompet 1 and the other one is usually the money spent and the like back again because there is a partner that is placed didompet.
This ritual process should be people who have urination / intention itself and if it did not work did not succeed alone berulang2.jika means no parts and Allah swt not allow
should not be done because of the money behind may harm others, my advice is just use seed money