Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015


inner eye or sixth sense is the sense of the sacred that is in every human being. a sense of the sacred will not appear if berkecambuk sense of the world, there are many in the human soul. man who opens the inner eye / inda to sixth depending on the level / phase her, and a lot of people who thought that if people open mind's eye can see with the eyes dohir, whereas the case ghaib will be connected to the supernatural again, although sekali2 we also can see with the eyes dohir, but not always able to see.
inner eye, not only see / feel the presence of supernatural beings like genie but the soul of the deceased, the spirit of plant, animal spirits and the events that will happen or has already happened can also be known.
for humans indigo mostly inner eye is open naturally, especially true indigo and indigo indigo reincarnation but there is also good because the unseen guidance by ancestors or friends with a genie.
ordinary people can actually learn the inner eye to a higher level but it should be with the guidance of a teacher, because the risks can be crazy and still must be diligent practice.
inner eye level:
1.tingkat our first experience mane goose bumps and felt so timid
2.tingkat second, we could feel the presence of something like felt someone standing behind us
3. feel the smells, fragrances, or smells bad
4.rasa we could clearly see creatures in nature jin
5. The sense we get in the spirit of the deceased kedimensi
6.rasa we entered kedimensi aura / light
7.rasa enter kedimensi sacred nature has occurred
8.rasa into the sacred nature was going on but a different place, could be different from the country or world level
9.rasa into the sacred nature that will happen
10 ....... more other natural

This inner eye level may not sequentially as directly related / into the nature spirits or know the nature that have occurred and others.

how to train / open the mind's eye:
should come directly to the place I usually opened only to the extent and for the next 1-3 should be trained to enter the phase of the next level.
to train it to be a special dikamar, alone and in the dark, or can also practice the tomb shrine / tomb guardians.
pertama2 sitting cross-legged and close your eyes dohir, and clear the mind. then tawasul / wasilah / gift to guru2 and saints and prophets.
then read ya bathinu or YES ALIMUL GHUYUB or GOD HU
for more details and contact pengijajahan no hp +6287726001019 or BB pin d9c5888c,because it needs guidance then this knowledge must wear dowry